Friday, December 14, 2007


الان وبعد طول الزمان
الان وقبل ان يفوت الاوان

اشهد بانى اذكرك فى كل مكان
اقسم بانك لازلت تغمرنى بمنتهى الحنان

لماذا تصبنى كل هذه الدهشة عند لقائك؟؟
لماذا ينتابنى هذا الحزن عند فراقك؟؟

اه واه من طول انتظارى
ياليتنى استطيع التراجع عن قرارى

ترى هل سيذكرنى بعد رحيلى؟؟
أم سيتركنى فى حيرتى وحنينى؟؟

ادعو ان يجمعنا القمر فى ذات ليلة
ونقضي سويا الوقت فى صحبة احلى نجمة
وتسرقنا الذكريات وتلقى بنا فى بحر من الامنيات
ونغرق فى جو من الاحلام وسيل من الطموحات

الان..اصرخ كى تسمعنى
الان..اصرخ كى تلمحنى

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Salam, Moony.
I'm from Argentina. I found your blog walking around the labyrinths of the net. You start at one point, but you're never sure what or who you're gonna find.

I'm interested in learning Arabic, but I'm just a begginer, so I couldn't understand much of your poems.

The ones in English were really nice, if they came from your heart, and landed outside through your hand, they said some very personal statements.

I write (or try to write) poetry since I was 9-10 years old. I'm in my 20's now, and I have developed it to the point where it's not just writing or expressing for me, but really a way of living, of feeling and seeing the world. I already lost count of the number of poems I've wrote in my life, but counting those I completed, and those that I just never finished, because of losing interest in a topic, or just lack of inspiration or real passion in it, I guess I've wrote more than 3000 poems.

I've been encouraged many times to try to publish my works, but I do not write for it. Birds sing just for the sake of it, not wanting anything more than offering their hymns to The Creator and Nature as a whole.

Much of my blood is Arab. My Father's Ancestors were from Syria and Lebanon. That's why I'm interested in my roots over there.

Well, just wrote all this to present myself a little bit, and as a way of saying hello.

Take care, Moony, and may you and your loved ones always be blessed.

Thanks for your art. Adiós.

P.S.: I've found your blog by seeing your Skype profile.